Website powered by
Jesús Campos "Nerkin"
Senior pixel artist, Concept artist | The Game Kitchen
Home page
Home page
Personal pixel art
Concept art
Blasphemous (game)
Blasphemous DLC's (game)
Blasphemous II (game)
Blasphemous II DLC's (game)
Ninja Gaiden: Ragebound (game)
Blasphemous II: Mea Culpa Key Art
World map
Penitent Rogue
Icebound Mausoleum
Icebound Mausoleum - Catacombs
Prisoner - NPC
Sor Cautiva del Silencio room
Mud room
Giant crow elevator
Icebound Mausoleum - Catacombs rooms
Santa Vigilia
Skull icons
Forest - New zones
Argent board figures
Room of the sepulchres
Mea Culpa sprites
Zone transitions
Mea Culpa Chapel
Golden Flasks icons
Santa Vigilia - Balcony
Title screen 1
Title screen 2
Library secret door ruins
Anunciada - NPC
Candles room
Altar of Penance
The Dream
Weapon obtained window
The Caves - new elements
Streets of Wakes - new elements
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